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Teacher Assisting a Student

General Education

$55 per hour

Tutors available for:

English (ELA): grades 6-12

Social Studies: grades 6-12

Math: grades 6-12

Foreign Language: Japanese 1 and 2, Chinese 1 (Mandarin), Spanish 1

Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science, Environmental Science, Physics (all levels), Human Physiology


*Please also inquire about other subjects



Study Group on the Grass

AP or College Level 

Starting at $60 per hour

Tutors available for: 

AP Calculus AB or BC

AP Physics

AP Marcoeconomics/Microeconomics

AP Psychology

AP Chemistry

AP Environmental Science

AP Biology


Chem: up to 300 level

Math: up to 400 level

Physics 170, 271

Economics: 130, 131


*Please also inquire about other subjects



Family Hours

$25 per hour

Siblings may ask questions or get immediate feedback during this scheduled time. Time will be student directed from questions they may have.


Must commit to a minimum of 4 sessions.


*Pricing for packages reflect General Education courses.  Based upon the course load between AP/IB classes, prices may vary.  Please email us for inquiries

Biweekly Quarter



5 sessions (1 hour per session except first session [75min])


One-30 min parent interview


First session: 75 minutes (student interview + tutoring)




12 sessions (1 hour per session except first session [75min])


One 30 minute parent interview


One mid-term evaluation (30 mins) with parent


First session: 75 mins (student interview + tutoring)


*Able to split into 2 payments.




20 sessions (1 hour/session except for first session [75 min])


One 30 minute parent interview


Quarter evaluation (30 mins) with parent


First session: 75 minutes (student interview + tutoring)


One Parent(s) session: Parents support (30 mins)


*Able to split into 3 payments.

Cancellation Policy: All cancellations or rescheduling must be made 24 hours prior to your session. We will also give notice if a change of tutor is required.

Acceptable method of payments: Paypal, Venmo, Apple Pay, Check, or Cash

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